The Digital Photography Club of Annapolis (DPCA) is a diverse group of beginners, hobbyists and professionals who love to take and share photos. The club meets bi-weekly and we usually have a guest speaker that shares their varied experience in the photography industry.  We now alternate between in-person meetings and virtual meetings (via ZOOM). Our schedule for this year can be found  at this link.
DPCA organizes Field Trips and Photo Challenges and the photos from these events are reviewed at the meetings. We also schedule several exhibits during the year where members are able to display and sell their printed images. Visitors are welcome to attend our meetings.

Click one of the following links to join the DPCA or renew your membership for the 2024-2025 Season:
Join  ------  Renew


Our in-person meetings are now being held at the  Pip Moyer Recreation Center

 Click Here  to request a link to attend the ZOOM meeting as a guest.

We are currently on a Summer Break.

We will resume meetings in September.

Enjoy your summer.!.

See Ginger Cove Exhibit Information listed below.

  The images shown below were created by members of the
Digital Photography Club of Annapolis.
Future Events Date Related Info

DPCA Exhibit at Ginger Cove Retirement Community
Click here for details

Exhibit runs from Sep 28 to Nov 15, 2024
Submission dates:
Tuesday, August 20
Saturday, August 24, 2024.

We are a Proud Member of the
Maryland Photography Alliance.
They have an active photography training program.

Click here for details

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