Membership Information


Membership in the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis is open to anyone with an interest in digital photography.


Annual dues for the club are currently set at $35.00.


Members in good standing are eligible to participate in all Club activities, access the Club's Facebook group, vote at business meetings, and avail themselves of all services offered to members. Non-members are welcome to observe up to two regular Club meetings but are ineligible for all other Club activities and services

To Join or Renew Membership:

Fill out our Membership Application Form and use the PayPal button below or bring a check for the amount of the annual dues (made out to the Digital Photography Club of Annapolis) to the next meeting of the Club or mail them to:

Digital Photography Club of Annapolis
PO Box 6462
Annapolis, MD 21401

Please include your email address so that we can include you in our emailing list and invite you to register for our member-only web site (please note that all email addresses are kept private, even from other members)

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